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Log truck flips early Tuesday morning in Jasper County, driver escapes major injury

The driver was taken by ambulance to Jasper Memorial Hospital where he was treated for non-life threatening injuries.

JASPER, Texas — A 58-year-old Woodville man escaped serious injury early Tuesday morning after the logging truck he was driving flipped along a Jasper County road.

Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and Beech Grove volunteer firefighters were sent to the wreck at about 12:20 a,.m. Tuesday morning along FM 777 according to a news release from DPS.

The wreck happened near mile marker 398.

A 58-year-old Woodville man was driving a truck-tractor and semi-trailer north  along FM 777 when he attempted to take a curve at an unsafe speed according to troopers.

He lost control and the truck left the road and ran into a ditch causing the truck and trailer to overturn troopers said.

The driver was taken by ambulance to Jasper Memorial Hospital where he was treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Troopers are continuing to investigate and have not released any other information.

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