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Kountze ISD brings in Tena Matthews Williams to be the new Girls Varsity Basketball Head Coach

Entering the 2024 season, Kountze will have a new compassionate leader at the helm.

KOUNTZE, Texas — A new age is upon Kountze ISD as they hire Tena Matthews Williams as the Girls Varsity Basketball Head Coach. 

A Louisiana native, Coach T. Matthews Williams has spent the better part of her life dedicated to the game of basketball. 

The one thing that separates her from the rest of the coaching world is her heart, something she is trying to show to the student athletes that she is inheriting this season. 

"Everything that I've experienced in life through all of the different teams I've played on, through all of the different coaches that have inspired me, I've learned from the good and bad. I want to in turn instill those values in them {the players}," Coach said in an interview with 12News. 

"That's the thing about me, I want to change the environment, the climate and culture, and just make sure these girls are thriving in an environment that is positive," Coach T. Matthews Williams said in talking about what she's bringing to the table. 

Coach Williams encapsulates what it means to be a compassionate teacher, and her belief of foundation first could be a recipe for a winning culture in Kountze, Texas. 

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