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President Trump easily wins Texas GOP primary

Texas was an easy and expected win for the President

TEXAS, USA — President Donald Trump is walking away on Super Tuesday with a big win under his belt – the state of Texas.

It was an expected win for the president who picked up key, early endorsements from Governor Greg Abbott and Sen. Ted Cruz. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has also endorsed President Trump.

Trump leads with 94% of the votes.

President Trump did face opposition from six GOP candidates in Texas. Still, the win is expected to deliver a majority of Texas' 155 delegates to Trump.  

Nationally, Bill Weld, the former governor of Massachusetts, is the only candidate to receive any delegates in the GOP Primary. He picked up one delegate during the Iowa Caucuses in February.

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Politico reports that despite not having considerable primary challenges, Republican voters are turning out in droves for President Trump. Politico notes the massive turnout is a “reflection of organic enthusiasm among conservatives and a sophisticated effort by Trump’s campaign to rev up its get-out-the-vote machine ahead of the general election.”


Still, President Trump has suggested his supporters get involved in a Democratic primary at various campaign rallies to help influence that party’s nominee for President.

"I hear a lot of Republicans will vote for the weakest candidate possible," Trump said during the rally in New Hampshire before that state’s primary in February.

Texas is one of several states where voters can pick which party primary they want to vote for on election day. During the general election, a voter does not have to vote along party lines.

Political experts expect Texas to be a state Trump pays attention to ahead of the general election in November. Democrats are pouring millions of dollars into the Lone Star state to help democrats win control of the state House. There is also a lot of attention being paid to down ballot races and the impacts Trump and the democratic nominee will have.

In 2016, the Trump-Pence ticket got 52% of the vote statewide beating Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. The 9% margin of victory was close by Texas standards.

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