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With only a few hours left to vote for State Rep District 21, both candidates are out at the polls

Incumbent Dade Phelan is fighting to keep his seat against challenger David Covey.

BEAUMONT, Texas — Tuesday is the last day to vote in the highly contentious runoff race for State Representative District 21.

Incumbent Dade Phelan is fighting to keep his seat against challenger David Covey.

With polls closing at 7 p.m., there isn't much time left to let your voice be heard.

12News spoke to both candidates who are spending the day at polling locations around Southeast Texas.

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Phelan says since being the Speaker of the House, he's made tuition cheaper at Lamar University and has advocated for Southeast Texas to have the most transportation projects ever in the entire state.

Volunteers with the Phelan campaign say it's these policies that are helping bring people to the polls.

"We've seen young voters, mature voters, all across the board supporting Dade. And I think it's because he believes in our values. I think it's because of his proven leadership. He is the Speaker of the Texas House and he has had the most conservative session in history," said Shelby Langraf, a Phelan poll greeter.

12News spoke with a lot of voters who say they made sure to take their last chance to exercise their right to vote Tuesday.

Covey says he wants to work with the community on local issues by forming coalitions. Supporters of Covey say they want a fresh start and someone to maintain conservative values such as securing the Texas boarder.

"They are really disappointed with Dade Phelan and the stance that he's taken. He has not done what the people are asking him to do and they want someone new. Someone who understands their values, understands the people here and take that back to our government and change the way things are," said Kathryn Deladurantey, a Covey poll greeter.

There's only a few hours left to vote in the highly contested race for State Representative of District 21. Both poll greeters have the same push; go exercise your right to vote.

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