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Vidor police receive "Stop Sticks" for the first time

The Vidor police department received "Stop Sticks" for the first time to help end high speed pursuits quickly.

"Wer'e in the process of training all of our guys right now,” said Ed Martin, a Vidor police officer. "It takes about 30 minutes to train on them.”

Vidor police spent the day training with the new, improved spike strips, where they throw the bag in front of a chase vehicle.

"They are totally enclosed except the spot where the car runs over them,” said Martin.

According to the Vidor police department, they purchased the improved version after a high speed chase back in August.

"We probably could have ended that pursuit if we had the stop sticks,” said Martin.

All of the 22 police units at the department will be equipped with the "Stop Sticks," hopefully putting a quicker end to any future high speed chases.

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