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Experts give tips on how to avoid heat-related illnesses as temps rise in Southeast Texas

People with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, high blood pressure or heart issues are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses.

BEAUMONT, Texas — As a heat advisory approaches Southeast Texas, many are finding ways to avoid any heat-related illnesses.

People with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, high blood pressure or heart issues are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses.

Fainting, difficulty breathing and dehydration are some symptoms Acadian Ambulance Services wants you to look out for.

Even if you're healthy, Acadian Ambulance Paramedic Regional Recruiter Casey Sullivan Flood says you need to drink plenty of water and electrolytes.

She says they've received a lot of heat-related calls.

"More fainting, syncope, things like that blood pressure issues. People with chronic illnesses. The illnesses are far more affected during the summer months," she said.

If you find yourself overheating, Acadian Ambulance Paramedic Field Supervisor Andrew Heuler advises you take these steps.

"Hydration hydration hydration. It's the best thing for you. Small breaks try to find some shade. Light clothing. If you find yourself getting out the best thing to do is to go inside. Get away from the heat have a salty snack it helps keep the hydration in," 

At Flawless Finish Detail on the corner of College Street and Chamberlin Drive in Beaumont, owner Jerry Fontenot says their clothing makes working outside more bearable.

"I'm wearing what they call like a little cool rag. You wet it up you pop it and then it gets cool and you put it around your neck and you know it helps keep your body cool. Some of my guys are wearing like the hats, sun hats, sunscreen," Fontenot said.

Fontenot makes sure his employees are protected from the heat.

"To stay hydrated we have cold water inside the building, there's air conditioning, so if the guys get overheated, they can go inside take a break. We have fans outside. We have shades for the guys to wash the cars and detail in," he said.

Sullivan Flood says drinking sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade helps replenish the body as well as using a wet rag.

"Try and stay in the shade and you know put those wet rags kind of try to keep them on those main part of the body. So behind the neck, under the armpits, in the groin area. Things like that that are going to cool down your core," she said.

Thirst is the first sign of dehydration. If you have difficulty breathing, experience signs of heat stroke or stop sweating, it is important to seek medical help.

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