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Sabine Pass Port Authority hosts ground breaking for 3 construction projects

These projects will benefit the Port Authority, the residents of Sabine Pass and recreational fishermen of Southeast Texas.

SABINE PASS, Texas — The Sabine Pass Port Authority hosted the ground breaking for two street reconstruction projects and the reconstruction of the Sabine Pass Public Boat ramp on Thursday.

These projects will benefit the Port Authority, the residents of Sabine Pass and recreational fishermen of Southeast Texas, according to a news release from the Sabine Pass Port Authority. 

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) is providing 75% of the funding for the reconstruction of South 1st Avenue from Granger Street to the Sabine Pass Port entrance.  

The total cost of this project is over $877,000. It is expected to be completed by January of 2023, according to the release. 

Credit: Sabine Pass Port Authority

The Mechanic Street project will be widened and constructed with concrete pavement, with directional signage and lighting. The funds awarded for this portion of the project are $2,374,626.  

This projects will allow better trucking access to the port as it continues to grow and become more industrialized. Construction is expected to begin in December. 

The 3rd project is the public boat ramp at the corner of Broadway and South 1st Avenue in Sabine Pass, which has been damaged from years of hurricane storm surges. 

The boat ramp project will be funded by three funding sources. Texas Parks & Wildlife (TPWD) had a maritime fund that helped repair boat ramps impacted by Hurricane Harvey.  They have dedicated $1,257,751 to rebuild the ramps, construct a fish cleaning station on a slab with a cover, a floating dock and walkway, as well as asphalt the parking lot with landscaping.  

RELATED: Sponsors step up amid inflation to help rebuild Sabine Pass Port Authority’s multi-million project

The Texas Legislature included $20 million per biennium in the General Appropriations Act to fund projects that would improve connectivity to Texas maritime ports.  

Credit: Sabine Pass Port Authority

TxDOT distributes these funds through the Port Access Improvement Program, which provides grants to ports and other entities. The grants are designed to help fund projects that will improve connectivity, enhance safety, and relieve congestion in communities around the state's maritime ports, according to the release. 

TxDOT Director of Maritime Division with TxDOT Geir-Eilif Kalhagen says their division is excited for what these projects will bring. 

"These two projects will provide new capacity at the Port, allowing more trucks to safely access the Port's facilities. TxDOT is proud to be able to support these important projects through $3 million in Port Access Improvement Program grant funds," he said.

The City of Port Arthur provided the local matching funds to complete the funding for these two projects, according to the release.

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