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No odors detected during TCEQ air monitoring in West Orange

Residents in West Orange made several complaints about a chemical odor from July 31 to August 1.
Credit: 12News

WEST ORANGE, Texas — The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Beaumont Region has determined that no odors or elevated readings were detected after conducting air monitoring surveys in West Orange and surrounding areas. 

TCEQ Beaumont Region received numerous odor complaints from citizens in and around the city of West Orange from July 31 to August 1. 

The Orange County Emergency Management Coordinator contacted TCEQ, due to complaints,  which prompted an air monitoring survey throughout the area. 

During the survey, TCEQ utilized an optical gas imaging camera and handheld air monitoring equipment from 1:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. on August 1.  

No odors or elevated readings were detected throughout the survey. A survey team went to multiple facilities, including Eagle Railcar, and did not detect any odors or operational issues, according to TCEQ.

Yesterday, residents in West Orange were complaining about a smell that reminded them of the chemical leak that happened a few weeks ago.

Many people took to Facebook to ask their neighbors if they were also smelling the chemical smell. Many residents chimed in saying they also smelled it, creating worry in the area.

12News reached out to Orange County Emergency Manager Joel Ardoin yesterday. He said there were a few calls of an odor in the West Orange/Orange area, but it was a different odor than the day of the Eagle Railcar leak.

He said the City of Orange and West Orange emergency managements were investigating and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was on the scene taking air samples.

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This is a developing story. We will update with more if and when we receive more confirmed information. 

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