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Port Neches-Groves teen who suffered traumatic brain injury during JV football game graduates outpatient physical therapy

Noah Jackson's mother says even though his brain functions are still not 100% yet, he currently has all A's and B's in school.

PORT NECHES, Texas — The 16-year-old Port Neches-Groves sophomore who spent 40 days in the hospital after being seriously injured during a JV football game continues to mark milestones in his recovery.

Noah Jackson has officially graduated outpatient physical therapy. The teen was receiving therapy at South County Physical Therapy in Port Arthur, according to his mom Kim Borne. 

In a Facebook post, Borne said even though Jackson's brain functions are still not at 100% yet, he currently has all A's and B's in school. 

Borne said it's hard to believe how much progress her son has made within the past few months. Doctors told the family it would be at least two to three years before Jackson was in this stage of recovery.

Now, she asks that the community continue to keep Jackson in their thoughts and prayers. Borne said her son is having a hard time watching his former teammates undergo Spring training drills for football, a sport that he loves and is passionate about playing. 

Jackson had to undergo emergency brain surgery after the October of 2021 injury. He was fighting for his life while in a medically induced coma.

“It’s hard when you see your child laying there on life support, and you hear the machine, and you’re looking and you realize, it's going at the same rate his chest is, because that’s the machine breathing not him breathing, and it's hard to see that,” Borne previously told 12News.

Related : Noah's Circle | Port Neches event held to pray for teen who suffered serious brain injury during JV football game

Credit: Family photo

Eventually, Jackson was taken off the ventilator. Doctors were amazed with the progress he has made.

“Miraculous, prayers answered because he had a hard time skipping when he first came in," Dr. Mark Culver, director of physical therapy at South County Physical Therapy said. "He was tight. He was uncoordinated."

The teen was already lifting, jumping and crawling his way back to being his old self. The teen said he has been changed not just physically but also emotionally.

Jackson said the unexpected injury, in some ways, has actually changed his life for the better.

Related: Community celebrates Port Neches-Groves football player recovering from brain injury

“It's changed my life in every single aspect possible really,” Jackson said. “I just, I love people more. I care for people. I feel for people. I feel people's pain.”

Jackson has a new found appreciation for the person who has been there for him every step of the way, his mother.

“It makes me appreciate everything she does for me so much more,” Jackson said. “I really don’t know what to say. The only thing I can really tell you is how grateful I am. That’s all I could really do.”

Credit: 12NewsNow

The teen has a few more weeks of physical therapy, and then he will be able to start working out on his own. Jackson is working hard and relearning the basics.

“I can’t stress how much, how grateful I am,” Jackson said. “That’s really the main thing. You got to live life every day, because you never know when it could be your last. You got to show everybody love, you got to. You got to tell that person you love them, cause that might be the last time that you seem them.”

Although his days of playing football are over, Jackson said he will be on the sidelines cheering his team on every Friday night.

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