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Orange County Sheriff's sergeant spearheading community-wide effort to revamp Bridge City memorial site

One woman is donating her time to repaint the statues by hand.

BRIDGE CITY, Texas — A memorial site in Bridge City, that honors those who lost their lives for our freedoms, is getting a much-needed makeover thanks to an Orange County Sheriff's sergeant.

The memorial site is next to a busy street in Bridge City. In it are statues that represent our armed forces and flags that have flown since the 90s.

"There are thousands of cars that pass through this daily and see this memorial," Orange County Sheriff’s Sgt. Rocky Bridges said. “I'm in Bridge City several times a day, and several months ago, the memorial site caught my eye because of the high grass that was here."

Sgt. Bridges noticed the memorial's conditions and was motivated to do something to change it. He spearheaded a movement to give back to the community.

“It appeared that no one was actually taking care of the memorial, so I made phone calls to several different agencies to find out who actually owned it," Sgt. Bridges said.

Those phone calls turned into a community-wide effort to revamp the memorial site. Community members began to offer their services to take care of the park and the statues within it.

Members of the community are cutting the grass and removing weeds at the memorial site. Sgt. Bridges said one woman is even donating her time to repaint the statues by hand.

"The army soldier that is to my right and behind me is from the early Vietnam era, and that statue will be painted in OD green," Sgt. Bridges said. "The statue to the left behind me is that of a marine, and that will be painted in dress blues."

Sgt. Bridges is calling the effort a small token to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Anyone who would like to help can call the Orange County Sheriff's Office at (409) 883-2612 and ask for Sgt. Rocky Bridges.

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