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Man accused of sexually assaulting 3 month old baby

Beaumont police have arrested 41-year-old Cedric Madison accused of sexually assaulting a 3 month old baby. Investigators say the child's mother came home from a party last Friday, opened the door, and found Madison with her child.

She immediately confronted him and called 911. "These types of cases are just devastating not only for family members that are involved but officers that have responded to a sexually assault of a child." Said Officer Carol Riley.

Brenda Garison is the founder of Child Abuse and Forensic Services and examines children after they have been sexually assaulted. "When we get a child that young, we are going to do our physical exam just like we would in any child." Said Garison.

Unfortunately, these kind of sexual assault cases happen almost everyday according to Marion Tanner with Garth House in Beaumont.

"In our cases, well over 80% of the children know and love the person that perpetrates them." Said Tanner.

Tanner says because the baby in this case is so young, it's possible he or she can grow up and "survive the situation" but it will likely have a lasting impact on the child's parents.

Madison is being held on a 250,000 dollar bond.

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