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Lumberton ISD school board members approve hybrid calendar for 2023-2024 school year in 5-2 vote

Students will attend school for five days in the first nine weeks and during state testing in April and May. The rest of the time, school weeks will be four days.

LUMBERTON, Texas — Lumberton Independent School District school board members approved a hybrid calendar the 2023-2024 school year in a 5-2 vote Thursday evening. 

This means students will attend school the traditional five days during the first nine weeks of school and in April and May, during state testing. 

The rest of the time, students would switch to a four-day school week, with students spending an extra ten minutes in class each day.

RELATED: Lumberton ISD school board holds workshop to discuss 4-day school week in light of upcoming vote

On February 28, 2023, school board members met to answer last-minute questions ahead of the important vote. 

The special workshop  reviewed data and feedback from districts across the state that have already made the move to a four-day school week. 

Some of those districts are the size of Lumberton ISD and others are larger, but all reported seeing success after making this change. 

Administrators put together this workshop to address some of the concerns board members expressed early February during a committee meeting.

Lumberton ISD Board Members Kimberly Olexa and President James Kersh were among many who spoke up during the workshop.

"It was striking to me on these superintendent surveys that we have most of those guys and girls would know whether or not it was having a major negative impact and i'm not seeing anything like that," Kersh said.  

"Without this data without specifically hearing from our teachers from our parents I don't think I was equipped enough," Olexa. 

The school board saw the results of a survey from 443 staff members and 78% support the switch.

Parents tell 12News, they agree a four-day school week is a good idea.

"As a mother who can afford to stay home i'm okay with it," said Parent Athena Rivera. 

From board members to staff and parents, they just want to be sure it will be a good fit that won't sacrifice student achievements.

Some say it could even help the district's transportation challenges, but they've actually approved. 

Public Information Officer for Lumberton ISD says they have a total of 15 bus drivers now.

They have 18 routes in total, 20 buses running and about three new drivers coming on board, as long as they pass their required tests.

"We were without a vehicle for a  while we spoke to the principal and they were accommodating and had suburbans that could help out," Rivera said. 

"I think that it's going to work out good for them, the shorter week," said resident Chad McMullen. 

Lumberton ISD Superintendent Tony Tipton has declined to speak with 12News until after the vote is finalized. 

"They do the best they can i'm hoping the four day school week will help with that fingers crossed," Rivera said. 

RELATED: 4-day school week proposal fails at Lumberton ISD school board meeting Thursday night

On January 5, 2023, the school board failed to pass the proposal to adopt the four-day school week.

The vote for a hybrid calendar failed 3-3, with one board member abstaining.

Parent Katie Roberts previously told 12News she likes the idea of having the kids at home and spending time with them, but acknowledges this may not be the case for others.

"It could be hard for working parents that use childcare and stuff, but other than that, I think its a good idea personally," she said.

Parent Juanita Mobley feels a four-day school week would interfere with learning and extra-curricular activities. 

"I just feel like they're not getting everything that they should be getting done Monday through Friday. So, they have things after school, they have you know, sports, choir and all that other good stuff," she said.

RELATED: Lumberton school board may consider switch to 4-day school week for next year

In a meeting that was held on December 8, 2022, an unanimous poll was taken by 369 staff members. 

77% voted yes and 22% voted no. 

Amy Smith previously told 12News that she thinks the 4-day school week would help ease her schedule, since she has to pick up and drop of her kids to both school and practice.

On the other hand Lumberton ISD Parent Jerramie McGough, says that he is concerned about how what he will do with his kids for that extra day off.

The school board goes through the process of approving the next school year's calendar annually. 

This would be the first year that the "District Education Improvement Committee" has ever included a four-day week in their proposals.

As of 2016, the Texas Education Agency switched from requiring 180 instructional days to 75,600 minutes per school year. That gave districts the freedom decide which days students attend school.

In 2019 after months of debate and conversations with parents the board at the Devers Independent School District unanimously voted for the district to switch to a four-day school week for the 2019-20 year.

Board trustees at the Jasper Independent School District voted in March 2022 to move their calendar to a four-day week that started for the current 2022-23 school year.

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