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J.B's Barbecue in Orange closes after 50 years of service

J.B and Mary Arrington have been serving their famous sauce and delicious barbeque for 50 years.

ORANGE, Texas — It’s the end of an era for J. B’s BBQ.

The restaurant will be closing its doors for good, Friday.

J.B and Mary Arrington have been serving their famous sauce and delicious barbeque for 50 years.

Mary Arrington says that it’s the customers that have kept them in business for all these years.

“The patrons we’ve had over the years have all been good to us,” said Mary Arrington.

For five decades Mary has been in the kitchen making her secret BBQ sauce and J.B. smoking the meat.

"i did all the recipes me, my aunt and grandmother did, on the cooking,” said Mary Arrington.

Now that the couple is in their 90’s, they are looking forward to traveling and relaxing with one another.

"Well after 50 years we're pretty tired we want to do other things right now we want to go places," said Mary Arrington.

Although the Arrington’s are closing the door on their business, the couple says they'll always carry with them the memories of their first day in business.

"The day we opened was like a motion picture. They were going to take pictures and do this that and the other we were so thrilled," Mary Arrington said. 

J.B. Arrington says multiple potential buyers have reached out to him, but while there are no officials buyers just yet, the couple is interested to see what may come of their business

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