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Inflation creates more need for donations at Southeast Texas Food Bank, here's how you can 'Share Your Christmas'

Many in the community struggle to get food on the table, not just during the holidays but also year round.

BEAUMONT, Texas — For many the holidays are about gathering around the dinner table with family and friends. But unfortunately that's not the case for all Southeast Texas families.

Many in the community struggle to get food on the table, not just during the holidays but also year round.

That's why this year's Share Your Christmas Food Drive is so critical.

"This time of year it's about sharing. It's about giving to those less fortunate than ourselves," said President and CEO of the Southeast Texas Food Bank Harvey Zernial.

He's hoping that's the case this year as well. Because while the need to feed families in the Golden Triangle is always high, this year the economy is straining budgets even further.

RELATED: 'Share Your Christmas' during 12News' 29th annual food drive and help your fellow Southeast Texans

"Inflation has come into play, so people can't afford what they used to afford. So I think this year it's probably more important than it's been in the past," Zernial said.

Nearly a million pounds of food is handed out every single month at the SETX Food Bank, and this year that need is up 30% due to inflation. That translates into about 50,000 of your neighbors and friends going without food on the dinner table.

"That's huge. We've never seen that. You have to go back to major disasters to find that big of an increase," said Zernial.

That fact has the food bank stepping up its efforts to collect food and cash donations as part as part of it's 29th Annual Share Your Christmas Donation Days.

Del Papa Distributing is helping the food bank accomplish their goal. The family owned beer company has been a big part of the Beaumont community since the 1950's.

"We support the community. We do everything we can to make this a better place to live to raise a family not only for our employees, but for the community at large," said Jeff Wheeler from Del Papa Distributing.

Del Papa is donating $50,000 match in cash to the SETX Food Bank. So if the community donates $50,000 they'll match that sending $100,000 into the food bank.

"We're confident they we'll raise it, we have to cause we don't wanna leave any dollar on the table," Zernial said.

Since the food bank can turn every $1 donated into three meals, meeting that $50,000 match goal would mean 300,000 meals for hungry Southeast Texans.

"The need is there, this is one of the most food insecure areas in the entire country. We understand the need," Wheeler said.

He hopes that other businesses will follow Del Papa and donate as well.

"I think other businesses should understand the need and step up," said Wheeler.

Businesses and the community will have the chance to meet that need by dropping off donations at any Market Basket or HEB stores or by joining 12News live during the Share Your Christmas event at area Market Basket stores on December 14.

"We know with Del Papa's help, the media's help, the community's help we have, we can do this," Zernial said.

You can drop off donations all month long, but you'll want to make sure you join 12News for our the 29th Annual Share Your Christmas Donation Days food drive December 14 as we broadcast live all day from Market Basket stores in the area.

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