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'Go 4 The Bell' hosts its inaugural gala August 17 at Beaumont Civic Center.

Roni Gillespie and her husband co-founded the organization to provide financial assistance for pediatric cancer patients and their families.

BEAUMONT, Texas — A newly formed organization in Beaumont is making sure families have whatever they need if their child gets diagnosed with cancer. 

Go 4 The Bell, the only pediatric cancer organization of their kind between Houston and New Orleans, is already making impacts in Southeast Texas.

One mother recalls the moment her small child started experiencing concerning symptoms. 

"When Graysen was two, he started spiking random fevers of 102 and higher and he just was losing all of his energy, started getting pale and kind of looking sickly," said Marissa Weber. "And then lost his ability to walk."

Weber's worst fear as a mother became her reality after taking her son to visit a doctor.

"I got the doctor's to do bloodwork and scans and everything and his bloodwork showed signs of leukemia,” said Weber.

Doctors at Texas Children's Hospital diagnosed Graysen with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which is a form of blood cancer. 

"It was hard working, because I'm a teacher, so I had to miss a lot of work," said Weber. "And staying home with him, and losing out on money from not being at work."

Weber and her family supports the new organization that aims to help families in similar circumstances because they do not want other families to be alone. 

"Just in Jefferson County, we have 1,800 littles that are diagnosed every year with cancer," said one co-founder of Go 4 The Bell, Roni Gillespie.

Gillespie and her husband co-founded Go 4 The Bell as an organization that provides financial assistance for pediatric cancer patients and their families.

"We have our first fundraiser coming up," said Gillespie. "We have a gala August 17.”

The Beaumont Civic Center will transform into a whimsical dream on Saturday.

“All of the proceeds are going to go right back into our community to our pediatric cancer patients’ families," said Gillespie.

Roni's dream to help kids diagnosed with caner began a long time ago.

"My dream had originally been to work with the pediatric cancer patients themselves," she said.

That's when Gillespie met a family with two of their three children in need.

"The oldest child was in a wheelchair, the middle child for all intents and purposes was perfectly healthy, no issues, no concerns, and the smallest is autistic and had cancer," she said.

The family inspired Gillespie to refocus her efforts and work on filling the gaps.

"It became more about this older child, and then this middle child because how does the one that is healthy and has no concerns, how do they go play baseball," she said.

Not only does Go 4 The Bell financially supports pediatric cancer patients with costs like trips to the doctor, they also make sure that kids get a chance to enjoy events such as camp.

"We can also help when this one wants to go to baseball camp or make their payments for their braces," she said. "Things to make that family whole with all of their needs because cancer doesn't just impact your smallest one or your middle one, it impacts your entire family."

Weber says that support will help families focus on their kids so that they can ring the bell, just like Graysen. 

"He's happy, he's healthy, he's in school, playing sports, making friends and just living a normal kid's life," said Weber.

"I can tell y'all my favorite thing at breakfast," said Weber's son Graysen. "Pancakes!"

This is a developing story. We will update with more if and when we receive more confirmed information.

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