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Experts, doctors give advice on how to have fun and stay safe while popping fireworks on Fourth of July

Fireworks sent over 10,000 people to hospitals last year alone.

BEAUMONT, Texas — As families begin to celebrate the Fourth of July, experts and doctors want to remind Southeast Texans how to stay safe while having fun.

Fireworks are an American tradition, but they've sent over 10,000 people to the emergency room just last year.

Let kids handle the smaller fireworks such as sparklers or poppers. There are many choices.

"Your jumping jacks, your firecrackers, your fountains, your parachutes, your 200 gram, 300 gram, 500 gram," said Skyetown Fireworks owner, Kim Taylor.

It's important to always light fireworks on a flat, even surface. Be aware of your surroundings when you light them and always be prepared for unexpected disasters.

"Once you light them if they go out and you feel like your not doing something right, if they fizzle out it's best to just douse it with water. One of the main things is if you got fireworks going on, you need to keep a bucket of water near you," said Taylor.

It's also important to not light fireworks while under the influence.

"Handle fireworks while you're intoxicated or taking some illicit materials. That can expose you to some very bad injuries especially with your hands," said Dr. Mohamed Hassan, Baptist Hospital emergency room physician.

There are many injuries that can happen due to fireworks.

"Trauma with the fire. Like some people like fall over, like head injuries that come in with it. But for the most part having to deal with hand amputations, hand injures and laceration sorts of that things," Dr. Mohamed told 12News.

These practices can save lives so it's important to consider them when celebrating.

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