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'I can't miss anymore school' | Evadale students, residents have been dealing with low water pressure for years

On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Evadale Independent School District had to cancel classes because water pressure was too low to properly flush toilets.

EVADALE, Texas —

City of Evadale water officials have been working in overdrive to get Evadale's water pressure back up and running.

"We seriously have done everything that we have the power to do right now," said Evadale Water Plant Manager Amber Dean.

On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Evadale Independent School District had to cancel classes because water pressure was too low to properly flush toilets.

"I can't miss anymore school," said Evadale ISD Superintendent Kevin Shipley.

So, the district tried their Plan B, which is switching from using the city's water pipelines to their own backup water well system.

"They had issues, we worked with them. There were days we had to go on our well. When we go on our well, the kids don't drink that, we shut everything off. It’s just potable water, just to flush toilets. We got bottled water and water in igloo jugs to make sure we can cook with. To make sure kids are safe which is our number one priority," Shipley said.

However the pipes froze, leaving them with no running water.

This isn't a new problem. Dean has been dealing with it, and the board is looking to secure a contractor to start a project to improve their old water structure. 

"For a project we are about to start, where we are going to be upgrading the lines, which will help especially the side of town that is having most of the problems," Dean said.

This is a hopeful conclusion that Shipley feels will help the city fulfill its duties before they look to ask the state to approve their backup water well.

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