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Easter bunny spotted hopping around Bevil Oaks on Good Friday

7-year-old Jaysin Casarez couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the Easter bunny heading down his street.

BEVIL OAKS, Texas — Easter is on it's way, and while things are different this year, Peter Cotton Tail still made an appearance in some Southeast Texas neighborhoods.

"He's going right over here!"

7-year-old Jaysin Casarez couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the Easter bunny heading down his street. The appearance was thanks to Paul Goebel. He and the Easter bunny go way back.

"In the past, we've always done crazy stuff together, and so this is just another way for us to kind of get out and kind of beat the monotony a little bit," Goebel said.

As it turns out, the Easter bunny is actually Janyce Baack, a Hardin-Jefferson ISD employee who's known for going above and beyond during the holidays.

"Janyce is awesome. I knew her at work, and she always dresses up with her, and then our SRO Scott Ali, doing different things for Hardin-Jefferson," Goebel said.

Goebel is now working at West Brook High School, but the two have stayed in touch. The Easter bunny, along with her helpers, hopped around neighborhoods in Bevil Oaks, Sour Lake and Pine Wood.

"I just hope that you know we can kind of see kids, and have them interact, even if it's from a distance and just have them maybe smile and just enjoy this time a little bit," Goebel said.

Across Southeast Texas, people are changing up their Easter celebrations.
Several local churches are live streaming their services on KBMT, Facebook, or YouTube.

RELATED: Southeast Texas churches are celebrating Easter Sunday during the coronavirus pandemic

While others are choosing to worship in the parking lot.

RELATED: Honk for amen | Southeast Texas churches get creative by hosting in-car Sunday services

Despite having to make some changes this year, holding the time honored traditions have brought Southeast Texans joy in an uncertain time. 

"I think kids are kind of cooped up doing work, and it's neat for them to just kind of be able to stand, even if it's in their driveway and just touching base with other people," Goebel said, "and just kind of bring a sense of normalcy, like you said,  to a holiday that may be a little bit different this year."

Also on 12Newsnow.com..

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