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Recent business boom in Orange brings more money for the Economic Development Corporation to build up the city

A brand new paved parking lot at the Old Orange Cafe is just one of the latest projects paid for by the City of Orange's EDC.

ORANGE, Texas — A recent business boom in Orange has brought in extra revenue to the city and the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is using this money to build up the community.

The EDC is giving cash to businesses that need repairs or want to expand. They hope that this will draw in new businesses and tourists.

For every sales tax dollar sold in the city limits of Orange, a half percent gets put in a fund to use for local businesses to keep their head above water.

A brand new paved parking lot at the Old Orange Cafe is just one of the latest projects paid for by the City of Orange's EDC.

"We can help with funding for things like parking lots and water and sanitary sewer things like that," said Assistant Economic Development Coordinator Hillary Gravett.

What may seem like small improvements are big projects that any business owners within the city limits can apply for.

"There are businesses that are already existing that are going through some type of expansion mode, where they may want to be adding onto their business. They may want to expand their business to what it is, and help give it a larger footprint," Gravett said.

Funds that are set aside for the EDC from the sales tax of the city go into projects that welcome business owners into the area.

"There is a half percent sales tax of every taxable item, that is purchased in the City of Orange. So we are able to help in that half percent with the new businesses that come in," Gravett told 12News.

This will help complete projects that daily customers say benefit the business to continue planting their roots in Southeast Texas.

"It's essential, a very important thing because if the business is thriving, then the folks will be able to hire the folks from the community," said Abdulliah Ali, a frequent customer.

The incentive is open is open all year round and the city saw an increase of inquiries since Chevron moved into the area.

"Since the announcement we have noticed an increase of inquiries and it's just a really exciting time in Orange," said Gravett.

There is no cut off since the application is open all year round, but the availability of funds depends on what projects they have already agreed to. So apply fast!

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