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Beaumont mural shows that bad days can be transformed into positive ones

Ines Alvidres painted "Sin Lluvia, No Hay Flores" (No Rain, No Flowers) on a building on Calder Avenue in July 2022.

BEAUMONT, Texas — One of Beaumont's most popular murals was brought to life by a Mexico-born Beaumont woman.

Ines Alvidres painted "Sin Lluvia, No Hay Flores" (No Rain, No Flowers) on a building on Calder Avenue in July 2022. She painted it for the Beaumont Mural Festival.

Manifest Features followed Alvidres as she created the mural.

Alvidres was born and raised in Chihuahua, Mexico. Now she lives in Beaumont, a city that inspires her work as an artist.

"In Beaumont, in the area, there is nature. There is the birds and flowers. We have one of the best places to explore," said Alvidres in the documentary.

The concept for Sin Lluvia, No Hay Flores started in Alvidres' journal. Her mother was sick and in the hospital. When she started to get better, Alvidres went home and drew.

It started with an umbrella. Then came the dark clouds and rain, representing those moments that happen to everyone.

"That umbrella kind of captures the idea that we are capable of transforming those dark days, those black days, into positive ones," Alvidres said.

Every element in the mural represents something special. Without the bad days, we can't appreciate the good ones.

"Struggle, how it feels. What we do with it. If we want to manifest, really, we want to manifest something beautiful, we can but we need this in order to do that," Alvidres explained.

As the drops of the rain touch the umbrella they suddenly become flowers.

Just like the concept of her painting, Alvidres believes Beaumont can be beautiful.

"I call Beaumont, 'Beautiful Beaumont' and people they are like 'what?' Just wait, we are making it beautiful slowly," Alvidres said in the documentary.

Alvidres likes to use a quote from famous artist Vincent Van Gogh, "The one who truly loves nature sees beauty everywhere."

"Same thing, if you appreciate people and see the beautiful in everywhere, you are going to find it everywhere," said Alvidres.

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