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City of Beaumont looks to bring in more first responders with housing incentive

Public safety is the largest expense the City of Beaumont has according to councilman at large A.J. Turner.

BEAUMONT, Texas — Beaumont city leaders are proposing a new incentive to get first responders to live where they work.

The city has proposed spending $100,000, which would be divided among the recipients, to cover the cost of these expenses.

Public safety is the largest expense the City of Beaumont has according to councilman at large A.J. Turner. He says when first responders shifts end they are driving past the city limits to go home.

"Our city makes our revenue off property taxes and sales taxes. So that much revenue is being earned in the city, but traveling outside the city of Beaumont," said Turner.

Now Turner says the city is looking to attract more firefighters and police officers with a proposed $100,000 housing incentive which would get divided up among the recipients.

"They can get down payment assistance, they can get moving assistance. A lot of people feel in this community that relationships can be better if the officers actually were neighbors and lived in the community they work in," said Turner.

12News obtained a report from the city that was compiled in April. It states that 88 BPD officers live in the City of Beaumont while 156 live outside of it, and 60 firefighters live in the city while 179 live outside of it.

Chief Earl White says that having staff closer would help with response times.

"If you have an individual that lives say, 50 miles away from the city, that's anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes response time when we have to call them back.  So I would enjoy having them live in the city. I think it's a win-win," said Chief White.

Councilman Turner says response times are especially crucial during natural disasters.

"If we had a flood or storm we can have people already readily here available versus sometimes they can get caught outside the city. We can't require them by law to live here, but we can incentive them," said Turner.

Turner says the incentive funds are included in the city's proposed general budget. If it gets approved they will then decide how the money will be allocated.

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