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Animal experts warn about adopting pets as Christmas presents for children

The Humane Society of Southeast Texas say they see an increase of unwanted pets after the holidays. It's a trend pet advocates have seen for years.

BEAUMONT, Texas — With Christmas only a week away, animal experts are warning that pets are more than just a one time gift.

They share a few dos and don'ts of gifting someone a pet for Christmas.

The Humane Society of Southeast Texas say they see an increase of unwanted pets after the holidays. It's a trend pet advocates have seen for years.

Families adopt a pet without thinking about the commitment that comes along with the decision, experts say.

While kids may adore their new Christmas puppy, experts say the puppies grow up. Potty training, long walks and unknown expenses are inevitable.

"It was heartbreaking too for that poor dog. They kept it as a puppy but didn't like it as a an adult," said Kathy, a pet advocate.

Kathy has been rescuing unwanted pets for years and sadly, she's had to rehome a puppy who was gifted as a Christmas present.

"It got bigger and bigger and they just didn't like it. And that was so sad because the dog had already bonded with the young boy. But the boy was busy with football later on, it just became a terrible issue," Kathy said.

The Humane Society warns against buying an animal as a surprise.

"We don't do gifts but obviously a mom and dad are wanting to surprise the kids with a puppy. Mom and dad know that at the end of the day they're going to be responsible for the puppy. And taking care of it. It's more so a situation is like 'oh you know I'm going to surprise my wife with a dog.' Maybe not the best idea," said Humane Society Shelter Director Taylor Westphal.

They also recommend giving your new pet time to adjust.

"So it's three days, three weeks, three months you have to let that animal have time to process going from a shelter to a home and having new people," Westphal said.

Pets can cost up to $1,000, experts say.

"So we just want to make sure everybody's getting the right animal for their family. Don't let it just be an impulse gift. Because we don't want to see it returned afterwards. We want it to be a good fit for the family," said Beaumont Animal Care Manager Matthew Fortenberry.

If you're ready for the lifelong commitment, animal experts say you could be adopting your newest best friend. There are lots of adoptable pets at Beaumont Animal Care and The Humane Society of Southeast Texas.

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