Future Beaumont Independent School District High School students now have a new option for their education. A program enabling students to earn an Associates degree and their High School diploma simultaneously kicks off this fall.
Soon to be 4th grader Alexis Hernandez says she's enjoying her summer but looking forward to returning to class at Blanchette Elementary in a few months.
"[I like] having fun with my friends," said Hernandez.
She has big plans for her life after graduation.
"Get a job," said Hernandez.
She wants to be a chef or maybe a singer. Finding out BISD is offering students a chance to earn a General Studies Associate degree from Lamar Institute of Technology alongside their High School diploma has Alexis excited for her future. That could mean getting into that tall white hat and apron even sooner.
"It helps more people," said Hernandez.
Her mom, Adriana Vasquez, says while her children are still young, it's exciting to know there's an opportunity to save on higher education costs, later on.
"I've heard of it before and I think it's good," said Vasquez. "By the time they go to college I won't have to pay that much, it's going higher.
Kristi Fuselier will take on the new project for the district as the early college principal. Classes will be held at the former Austin Middle School campus.
"This way, you're a step ahead," said Fuselier. "This is at no cost to families of the students."
Fuselier says this fall the program is open to incoming Freshman who complete an application process. Additional classes will be added each year with a goal of taking 100 students per grade level. Administrators say there are still spots to fill and are looking for students motivated to take on the rigorous coursework with the help of talented educators.
"An entire degree at no cost. I think if you go back and you look and you add up the cost that are associated nowadays with furthering your education, that is a huge gift," said Fuselier.
That gift is something Vasquez says would be welcomed into her family in a few years.
"I just hope they still have it by the time my kids get there," said Vasquez.
The application deadline for the early college program is June 27th. To apply call Dr. Shannon Allen at: 409-617-5006. You can also send an Email here: spier@bmtisd.com.