A spokesperson for the Beaumont Independent School District Wednesday announced a new head of the district's Human Resources Department.
Dr. Dwaine Augustine has been appointed as Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
The district issued the following statement:
In the continued efforts to fine tune and upgrade the operations of Beaumont ISD, Superintendent Vernon Butler has altered the organizational structure in the direction of management efficiency and maximizing human talent. Specifically, Dr. Dwaine Augustine, the current Chief of Academics for the Beaumont Independent School District will move to the position of Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Dr. Augustine's educational experiences covers the gamut of instructional operation beginning as a high school teacher and moving through the ranks in the Hamshire-Fannett Independent School District as a high school assistant principal, high school principal, and assistant superintendent where he was directly responsible for curriculum, instruction, testing and human resources. He received his doctorate degree from Lamar University in Education Administration in 2009. Dr. Augustine is clearly a multi-talented professional educator with the proven ability to maximize the productivity in any and all aspects of education administration.
"Further adding to the efficiency of this team is my plan to expand the duties of Dr. Shirley Bonton who currently serves as the Deputy Superintendent for the Beaumont Independent School District to include all phases of curriculum, instruction and assessment from K to 12," said Superintendent Butler. This move will eliminate a fragmented approach to the K-12 educational structure and will ensure long range planning and consistency as we work to ensure that the entire vision of our educational plan is on one consistent path with no breaks in the process, Butler further explained.
"In coordinating the talents of our administrators and eliminating the departmentalization of their talent it will result in multi-staffing and responsibility which certainly in the future might eliminate the need for some administrative positions," says Butler. Dr. Augustine assumed his official duty as Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources on August 19, 2014.